Frequently Asked  Questions

What is mudjacking?

Mudjacking, also known as slabjacking or concrete lifting, is a process used to fix sunken or uneven concrete surfaces by injecting a mixture of stabilizing materials beneath the slab. This process raises and levels the concrete, restoring its strength, functionality, and appearance.

What causes concrete to sink or become uneven?

Concrete can sink or become uneven due to a variety of reasons such as: rodent/insect nests, soil erosion, poor compaction, water damage, plumbing leaks, or shifts in the ground caused by freeze-thaw cycles. Time and wear can also cause concrete to settle over time.

How does mudjacking work?

Mudjacking involves drilling small holes in the concrete slab and then injecting a blend of specialized materials (typically a mixture of cement, sand, and additives) through these holes. The material fills voids and lifts the concrete to the desired level. Once the process is complete, the holes are patched, and the surface is ready for use.

Is mudjacking a long-lasting solution?

Yes, mudjacking provides a durable and long-lasting solution. The stabilizing materials injected under the concrete harden over time, providing a solid base for the slab. However, it's important to address any underlying issues that may have caused the settling to ensure the best results.

How much does mudjacking cost?

Typically mudjacking will cost around 25 percent of replacement, though that is not always the case. The cost of mudjacking depends on various factors, such as the size of the area, the extent of the settlement, number of cracks, presence of voids underneath, etc. It's best to request a consultation and estimate from our professionals to get an accurate cost assessment for your specific project.

How long does the mudjacking process take?

The timeframe for mudjacking can vary depending on the size and complexity of the project. However, most mudjacking jobs can be completed within a day, and you can usually use the repaired area immediately on foot and light cycle. You may drive on mudjacked surfaces with regularly sized vehicles within 24-48 hours.

Can mudjacking fix all types of concrete surfaces?

Mudjacking is suitable for a wide range of concrete surfaces, including driveways, sidewalks, patios, pool decks, garage floors, and more. However, certain factors like extensive damage or severely deteriorated concrete may require alternative repair methods.

Is mudjacking environmentally friendly?

Yes, mudjacking is considered an environmentally friendly solution. It avoids the need for full concrete replacement, which reduces the demand for new materials and decreases carbon emissions associated with production and transportation. By extending the life of existing concrete, it also helps reduce waste in landfills. The cement industry is estimated to contribute 8 percent of carbon emissions globally.  By repairing concrete versus replacing it, you avoid contributing to one of the world's largest producers of CO2.  We transform a natural limestone base that would otherwise be an industrial waste product of concrete production into a viable material to repair your concrete. Our competition relies on mixing two known carcinogenic chemicals, isocyanate and polyol, to create the foam used to lift your concrete. No raw chemicals will EVER be put in your ground, home, garage, or otherwise with our process. We inject only natural real earth materials under your concrete. 

How can I maintain the mudjacked concrete surface?

To maintain the longevity and appearance of the mudjacked concrete, it's essential to practice regular maintenance. This includes cleaning the surface regularly, avoiding excessive weight or impact, and addressing any plumbing or drainage issues that might affect the stability of the concrete. Large gaps or cracks in excess of one-quarter inch should be filled with a sealant to reduce possible erosion and further settling. 

Can I DIY mudjacking?

Mudjacking requires specialized knowledge, experience, and equipment to ensure proper execution. It is strongly recommended to hire a professional mudjacking company for safe and effective results. Attempting to DIY mudjacking could lead to further damage and costly repairs.

What time of year can you lift concrete?

It is possible to lift concrete most of the year. If the air and ground are both above freezing, we can lift your concrete. We typically operate from mid-March through mid-November, though indoor projects can sometimes be done year-round.

If you have any additional questions or require further clarification, please contact us